Thursday, April 24, 2014

The Quiet Ones - Movie Review

The Quiet Ones is a horror movie by second time director John Pogue who also directed Quarantine 2, which I did not see. Going into this I was expected to not like it at all, the trailers for it were mediocre at best and it just didn't entice me. 

Pros: A shockingly good story, I really expected this to be a run of the mill possession/exorcism type plot but it was much more interesting than expected. Without giving too much away it deals with a professor and some colleagues experimenting with Jane, a troubled girl who exhibits paranormal abilities. As the story deepens you really start to question whether she has these abilities or not and you debate it in your head. Also the last 30 minutes of the movie when the quintessential "hell breaks loose" part of every horror movie happens, is plain awesome, the things that go down are crazy and really finish the movie out well. Speaking of finishing, the movie has an actual ending, something not seen in many horror movies these days. The acting was good, nothing special. 

Cons: It wasn't incredibly scary, it relied heavily on jump scares and threw them in at points that really didn't need them, all to get your heart racing. The movie lacks an image or phrase that is burned into your mind. 

Overall: Really not a bad movie at all, it had it's creepy moments and some more genuine scared but the lack of some true horror leaves you wanting a bit more. That being said the story is damn near the price of admission as it's intriguing and makes your mind invest itself into figuring out the end. 

Rating: 3/5, would probably buy on DVD once it randomly goes on a pretty sweet sale. 

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