Saturday, December 27, 2014

The Interview - Review

The Interview.

The Interview is a comedy starring Seth Rogen, James Franco and Randall Park centered around an American television personality (Franco) and his producer (Rogen) attempting to interview and assassinate Kim Jong-un (Park). If you haven't heard about the controversy surrounding this movie then you've clearly been living under a rock as the movie caused Sony to be hacked and later pulling the film from release which caused massive backlash from politicians and many working in Hollywood; Sony released the film to around 300 theaters along with online sites such as YouTube, GooglePlay and the Xbox marketplace. As a huge fan of Seth Rogen and James Franco separately and even more so when they work together, I was pumped to see this movie as soon as I saw the first trailer. Once Sony pulled it, I made it a personal mission to get my hands on this movie, I had to see it.

All of that being said, I really enjoyed this movie. This by far isn't the best comedy of the year, as 22 Jump Street set the bar pretty high but it's definitely funny. If you know Seth Rogen and James Franco and their brand of comedy, you should know what to expect; and if you like their brand of comedy you'll enjoy this movie. The movie is pretty much absurd, tasteless, stupid and really funny, just like every other Rogen/Franco venture. For me, that's a good thing as I love these two together, for others, they hate it.

There's really not a ton to say about this movie, as I said earlier, if you like Seth Rogen and James Franco, you'll like this movie, if you don't then you won't. The first act of the movie is definitely the funniest as it's normal shenanigans for Rogen/Franco, act two is pretty funny as it consists a lot of Franco and Jong-un becoming friends and getting into their own shenanigans and then act three is relatively when the shit, for lack of a better word, gets real. I really liked the movie, I thought it was funny and I thought they actually were able to bring up the issues of North Korea in a decent manner without being tasteless toward the people that live there.

Rating: 3.5/5

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