Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The Heat

Overview: Funnier than hell is hot.

The Heat.

The Heat stars Sandra Bullock as Agent Ashburn who is a by-the-books type agent gunning for a promotion. Opposite her is Melissa McCarthy playing Detective Mullins. At the end of the day, McCarthy is playing the same person she plays in every movie she's in. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, in cases like Johnny Depp who has more or less been playing Captain Jack since the characters incarnation in every movie he's in. Luckily, McCarthy hasn't yet worn out her welcome.

As a team the actresses work beautifully together. I'd say more about the supporting cast but there really isn't much to say, the actors do their jobs and do them well but much of the movie is shared screen time of Bullock and McCarthy.

The Positive: The movie is funny as hell. I truly had no interest in seeing this movie, the trailer looked unfunny and the only reason I went was because my girlfriend wanted to see it. I was in side-splitting laughter just a few minutes in and throughout the movie I was near falling out of my seat due to laughing so hard.

The Negative: It's so predictable. It's a buddy cop movie and they follow the formula to a tee. 2 officers get placed together and don't like each other, then through funny shenanigans they become friends, then something serious happens to one and the two become close, then one "betrays" the other, then they get thrown off the case only to reunite with a vengeance. We've seen this before a million times. The Heat does it decently well enough where you're not guessing what's gonna happen next you're just enjoying the moment now.

Overall: It's incredibly funny, with 2 actresses whom no one thought could work together but are just amazing together. I don't say this often but I actually kind of hope there's a sequel. The team works very well together and the end(NOT A SPOILER) leaves it open to a sequel but closes it enough that if there isn't one, it's alright.

Rating: 4/5: I'd Buy it On DVD.

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