Sunday, August 11, 2013

The Conjuring

The Conjuring.

The Conjuring is a horror movie from director James Wan who's directed Saw, Dead Silence and Insidious, to name a few. So I was pretty excited for this as I love Saw and thought Insidious was one of the better horror movies of the last few years.

The film follows a couple who are the ghost hunters of the 70's who are both skeptical about the supernatural and usually "bust" whatever people think is haunting them. Obvious plotline is obvious, and they come across a haunting that is all too real and chaos, and haunted house horror movie cliches ensues. While this film is higher up on the horror movie scale that's more because of how low horror films set the bar these days, the last horror movie that I thought was actually good and actually scary was Sinister and that came out in October. What most horror movies really lack is an interesting story, which (thank god) The Conjuring has. While it's not crazy original, the two main-ish characters being hardcore skeptics of the supernatural brings a decently fresh perspective to the movie that we don't see too much these days. The acting is good enough, it's not Leonardo DiCaprio but it's a horror movie so who really cares?

Now, like comedies, horror movies only have one job, to scare you. So the big question is: Is The Conjuring scary? In short, yes. Now for the long answer. It's probably the scariest movie of the year but again I don't think an ant could walk under the bar that other movies have set. Except for maybe Evil Dead(the remake/re-imagining). It's been getting a lot of hype as being scary as hell with people saying they couldn't sleep after they saw it and all of this other nonsense. Trust me, if you're acclimated with horror movies and are a genuine fan of them, you won't find it THAT scary. All that being said there is some scary and even creepy things in the movie but they fall at the predictable and cliche times.

Overall: The story was pretty good although nothing too special. On a scare scale it probably gets a 6 or 7 out of 10 whic is pretty good seeing as how most are at like a 2. One of the better horror movies of the year but we also have the Carrie remake and Insidious 2 to look forward to later this year, both of which could make everyone forget about The Conjuring, but as of now, it's a good horror movie but not a must-see.

Rating: 3/5, Not Bad, Won't Buy on DVD.

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