Monday, August 26, 2013

You're Next

You're Next.

You're Next is a horror film about a home invasion. 3 masked killers, pictured in the poster above invade a home where there are 10 people, 6 of which are related, the other 4 are significant others of members of the family. There's not much to say about the movie because it doesn't give us much to say.

Firstly, the acting is abysmal. I don't mind bad acting in a horror movie when it's a B-movie and doesn't take itself too seriously(ex. Evil Dead[the originals] and pretty much an 80's horror film) but this movie is taken very seriously and the acting is distractingly bad. The only saving grace acting wise is Sharni Vinson who plays Erin. Secondly, the movie is crazy predictable, I was guessing what would happen with accuracy and the "twist" they throw in is seen from miles away.

But was it scary? Nope. I jumped at one scare and usually I'm a sucker for jump scares, they usually get me to jump but nothing in this movie was scary. The masks the killers use aren't half as scary as the film wants them to be, especially the lamb one, they became hard to take seriously. A home invasion movie is supposed to make you paranoid/scared to sleep in your house the night after seeing it and I can tell you, I'm not, at all.

For me, there were two saving graces. One, the dark humor in this was actually pretty funny, it came at the right moments and shockingly the actors had good comedic timing with it. Second, the kills were actually pretty inventive in this. I'm not talking Saw inventive but they're not your standard horror movie kills. There's one toward the end, I won't spoil it, but it's hysterical and worth probably half the price of admission. The other kills make the whole price of admission worth it.

Overall: This had the potential to be better or at least as good as The Strangers or Funny Games, two home invasion movies that were truly scary. Nothing about this was scary, I was lucky that the guy behind me in the theater didn't find it scary cause he was cracking some funny jokes and was probably more entertaining than the movie itself. I'm not really sure why this got a theatrical release, it should've been a straight-to-Netflix release, I'd say straight-to-Syfy but it wasn't as entertaining as Sharknado or Sharktopus. Nothing about this is refreshing to the genre outside of the dark humor but that's been making a comeback in horror as of late anyway. Lack of originality, lack of scares, lack of more than one not-terrible actor makes this a horrorble movie. I think we can all just forget that pun I just made, just like we can all forget this movie was made until it comes time for the "Worst Movies of the Year" lists start taking form. Don't be next to see this, seriously.

Final Rating: 1/5, An Insult to the Beloved Horror Genre.

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