Friday, August 30, 2013

The World's End

The World's End.

The World's End is an apocalpytic-ish comedy starring Simon Pegg and Nick Frost and for the 3rd time are teaming up with Edgar Wright who have collectively done Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz. Shaun of the Dead is a great comedy and one of my favorites of the zombie genre, while I enjoyed Hot Fuzz I didn't think it was up to par with Shaun. This marks the third and what some are calling the final film in the collection of Pegg, Frost and Wright collaborations.

Firstly, Pegg and Frost are on point with their performances, Pegg plays the cocky yet lovable ass who never let go of his childhood while Frost is his counterpart as someone who's thinking of the future and trying to better himself. The two together have proven that they're British comedy gold, between the Wright trilogy and Paul they've been hysterical for near a decade together. With Wright back directing it feels as if everything's coming to a head, fitting for the final installment. In this film, "robots" have replaced and replicated the people of their hometown and have discovered that Pegg and Co. are not themselves robots and go after them. Pegg's idea to continue the bar crawl is not as insane as it sounds as he, albeit drunkenly, gives a pretty solid reasoning for his plan.

Alright, but was it funny? In short, yeah it was. There were only a few times where I was laughing out loud, a lot of it was more like laughing to myself. I know that sounds like an insult, but it's not. A lot of the comedy in the film has to do with the witty remarks and banter between characters where if you fade away from the movie, you won't catch. This wasn't as funny as Shaun of the Dead, there was something really special about that film. Segue to next paragraph.

But there was something special about this one as well, it's funny, definitely but almost more importantly, it's heartfelt. Every feeling that gets projected at us that we as an audience are supposed to feel, feels very genuine and you do feel it. The anger between friends, the looking back at your younger selves and missing it, to making amends, it all feels too real. If this is the last film these 3 make together, which I hope it isn't, it'll be an oddly fitting one. There's a lot of reflection done in the film and you get the feeling that the actors and Wright did a lot of reflecting throughout filming it.

Overall: The movie is definitely funny. If you like the Pegg/Frost comedy then you'll definitely enjoy this, if you don't then I don't think The World's End will be the one to turn you on to them. I hope this isn't the last we see of these 3 together because as of now, they've made one of the funniest trilogies of non-related films ever. Wright and his actors are able to bring such emotion that's actually kind of incredible, especially for a comedy. In a way this movie is really a coming-of-age film but for middle-aged men(sorry ladies). It's a great time and I'm incredibly happy that You're Next wasn't the final movie of the 2013 summer movie season for me, and I'm glad that it was The World's End. After the movie, all you wanna do is get some friends together and crack open some beers and enjoy life, can't ask much more than that, can you?

Rating: 4/5, A Great End to a Good Summer Movie Season, Will Buy on DVD.

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